ISSN 0303-5212

Original Research 
RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 411-414

Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method

Uzma Zaheen Anwar, Muhammad Hassaan, Rifat Hayat Shukeria.

Objective: To determine how medical students perceive autopsies and their importance as learning opportunities.
Methodology: This cross-sectional observational survey was done at Central Park Medical College, Lahore. We used an online survey to ascertain their opinions on autopsies and their value as a teaching and learning tool from third and fourth-year medical students.
Results: Medical students thought that learning about anatomy and pathology during the autopsy was beneficial. They believed that they ought to participate in dissections during autopsies and observe more autopsies. However, a sizable percentage did not understand the emotional element of the experience, and the majority did not feel at ease with the autopsy setting and procedure. They declared that, if it was necessary, they would not consent to the autopsy of a loved one.
Conclusion: Increasing exposure to the autopsy, allowing students to assist at the autopsy, emphasizing the emotional aspect of the experience, and promoting the specialty is recommended.

Key words: Medical students, autopsy perception, teaching and learning method.

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Pubmed Style

Anwar UZ, Hassaan M, Shukeria RH. Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 411-414.

Web Style

Anwar UZ, Hassaan M, Shukeria RH. Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. [Access: April 25, 2024].

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Anwar UZ, Hassaan M, Shukeria RH. Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. RMJ. 2024; 49(2): 411-414.

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Anwar UZ, Hassaan M, Shukeria RH. Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. RMJ. (2024), [cited April 25, 2024]; 49(2): 411-414.

Harvard Style

Anwar, U. Z., Hassaan, . M. & Shukeria, . R. H. (2024) Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. RMJ, 49 (2), 411-414.

Turabian Style

Anwar, Uzma Zaheen, Muhammad Hassaan, and Rifat Hayat Shukeria. 2024. Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. Rawal Medical Journal, 49 (2), 411-414.

Chicago Style

Anwar, Uzma Zaheen, Muhammad Hassaan, and Rifat Hayat Shukeria. "Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method." Rawal Medical Journal 49 (2024), 411-414.

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Anwar, Uzma Zaheen, Muhammad Hassaan, and Rifat Hayat Shukeria. "Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method." Rawal Medical Journal 49.2 (2024), 411-414. Print.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Anwar, U. Z., Hassaan, . M. & Shukeria, . R. H. (2024) Perception of medical students about autopsy and its importance as a teaching and learning method. Rawal Medical Journal, 49 (2), 411-414.