ISSN 0303-5212

Original Research 
RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 643-646

Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan

Aqsa Yasin, Muhammad Numaire Younis, Sadaf Abdul Qadir, Chugtai Arslan Saleem, Muhammad Imran Javed.

Objective: To determine the detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using 99mTc-DMSA Scintigraphy.
Methodology: Over the period of November 2021 to February 2022, 95 patients who visited the Nuclear Medicine department of Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Oncology (INMOL) for DMSA scintigraphy were included in the cross-sectional study. Using 99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy, the kidneys were scanned. The presence or absence of a renal planar scan was identified as a visualization of cold defect or uniform uptake in the cortex respectively. The information was analyzed using chi-square test.
Results: Out of 95 patients, 60% were females. Mean age of the patients was 5.79±4.20years. We found that 47 (49.47%) patients were positive and 48 (50.53%) were negative for possible renal scarring. Of the positive cases, 11 (21.3%) had vesicoureteric reflux, and 10 (21.3%) had urinary tract infections. Homogenous uptake was present in 34 (72.3%) and overall reduced split functions in scarred positive case were 23 (48.9%).
Conclusion: This study showed that 99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy detected anatomical and functional aspects of the kidney. As the DMSA scintigraphy can identify a considerably higher percentage of patients who had renal scarring, it may be ideal for the early identification of renal scarring.

Key words: Renal Scarring, DMSA scans, urinary tract infection, Vesicoureteric reflux.

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Pubmed Style

Yasin A, Younis MN, Qadir SA, Saleem CA, Javed MI. Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 643-646.

Web Style

Yasin A, Younis MN, Qadir SA, Saleem CA, Javed MI. Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. [Access: January 22, 2025].

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Yasin A, Younis MN, Qadir SA, Saleem CA, Javed MI. Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. RMJ. 2023; 48(3): 643-646.

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Yasin A, Younis MN, Qadir SA, Saleem CA, Javed MI. Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. RMJ. (2023), [cited January 22, 2025]; 48(3): 643-646.

Harvard Style

Yasin, A., Younis, . M. N., Qadir, . S. A., Saleem, . C. A. & Javed, . M. I. (2023) Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. RMJ, 48 (3), 643-646.

Turabian Style

Yasin, Aqsa, Muhammad Numaire Younis, Sadaf Abdul Qadir, Chugtai Arslan Saleem, and Muhammad Imran Javed. 2023. Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. Rawal Medical Journal, 48 (3), 643-646.

Chicago Style

Yasin, Aqsa, Muhammad Numaire Younis, Sadaf Abdul Qadir, Chugtai Arslan Saleem, and Muhammad Imran Javed. "Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan." Rawal Medical Journal 48 (2023), 643-646.

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Yasin, Aqsa, Muhammad Numaire Younis, Sadaf Abdul Qadir, Chugtai Arslan Saleem, and Muhammad Imran Javed. "Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan." Rawal Medical Journal 48.3 (2023), 643-646. Print.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Yasin, A., Younis, . M. N., Qadir, . S. A., Saleem, . C. A. & Javed, . M. I. (2023) Detection rate of renal scarring in pediatric patients using dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. Rawal Medical Journal, 48 (3), 643-646.